#B5 predicative complement 또 나옴!
In the light of the syntactic distirbution, the prepositional phrases readily modify nouns or function as pedicative complement to verbs like be; the adverb phrases are used for modifying verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Prepositions take a range of complement type comparablet to that of verbs. (1) a. I was talking [to a friend] - Object NP complement b. I regard her [as a friend] - Predicative complement c. I stayed [until after lunch] - PP complement d. I hadn't meet her [till recently] - ADVP complement e. We agreed [on how to proceed] - Clause complement As with verbs, we need to make a distinction between objects and predicative complements. : a friend examples in (1a) and (1b) contrast in the same way as those in (2): (2) a. I was visiting [a friend] - Object NP complement b. I consider her [a friend] - predicative complement The crucial syntactic difference is that a predicative can have the form of an AdjP (I regard her as very bright, whereas as is the preposition) or a bare role NP (They elected her as a treasurer). There are a handful of PreP + AdvP combinations, which could be seen as prepositions taking adverb phrases as complements. But there are very few: in addision to the one in (1d), we find before(p) long(adv),for later,until recently, and a very few others. They are basically fixed phrases. (we get before long but not *after long). (3) She arrived two weeks ago. What is the categorial status of ago? Is ti an adverb or a preposition? The order here reflects the historical origin of ago. it derivesfrom the form agone, containing the past participle of go. Originally, two weeks ago meant something like "two weeks gone", i.e., located at a point in time that is now two weeks gone by into the past. |
prepositional phrase는 명사를 수식하거나, be 동사의 prepositional complement로 작동해. I regard her as a friend: predicative complement는 adjP가 될 수도 있음. > I regard her as(p) very bright(adjP) > They elected her as a treasurer PreP + AdvP 조합으로 advp를 complement로 취하는 전치사들이 있어. |