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0904_9-10월 2회 모고_intrusive/r/_partitive NPs #A6 /n/ Assimilation + /æ/ diphthongization       In the pseech of English speakers there is an allophonic rule whereby the phoneme /æ/ is diphthongized to [æɨ]. The effects of the rule can be seen such as the following:       In the same dialect there is an optional rule of /n/ assimilation.These data in (2) are the effects of /n/ assimilation rule as given below:(3) /n/ assimilation rule:     .. 2024. 9. 7.
24. 11월 3회 모고_tough-movement #A7 tough-mv#fed5c2  #c2fed7   #fad0d0    #fef075    #fde585          Consider the following examples:(1) a. To understand this lesson is difficult.     b. ➜ It is difficult to understand this lesson.     c. ➜This lesson is difficult to understnad.In  English, there are adjectives which allow the transformation of sentences like the examples given in (1). The adjective difficult in (1) has to do.. 2024. 7. 22.
24.11월 4회 모고 - predicative complement #B5 predicative complement 또 나옴!       In the light of the syntactic distirbution, the prepositional phrases readily modify nouns or function as pedicative complement to verbs like be; the adverb phrases are used for modifying verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.Prepositions take a range of complement type comparablet to that of verbs.(1) a. I was talking [to a friend]               - Object NP.. 2024. 7. 21.
23. 11-3B 모고 - free variation vs. allophonic variation Segments may be more or less nasalised, labialised or fronted, and this gradience of many allophonic features may lead to the oversimplified conclusion that in certain cases the allophonic rule in question optionally fails to apply when in reality, on closer inspection, it may well be implemented to a very slight extent.   It make sense, then, to concentrate our search for a genuinely optional r.. 2024. 7. 21.
(2022) 4월 모의고사 영어학 분석 작년에 봤던 모의고사 영어학 위주로 분석분석. 자료 공부하는 거임. #A4 - aspirated voiceless stops The abstract underlying units are known as phonemes while the predictable surface elements are known as allphones. Speakers of most accents of English habitually utter both aspirated and unaspirated voiceless stops. The following English data exhibit both of these. (1) Aspirated and unaspirated voiceless stops in English Engli.. 2023. 6. 27.
2024년 대비 4월 모의고사 영어학 분석 전체적으로 평이했던 난이도. 아니, 사실 쉬웠다. 다음 모고 때는 꼭 시간 맞춰서 풀어봐야지! 정확도는 높였으니 이제 푸는 시간을 줄여볼 차례다. #A2 - nasal을 어떻게 vowel처럼 착각한걸까... 등신~ Read the passage and fill in the blank ①with ONE word from the passage and the blank ② with the appropriate feature from the passage. Stops, fricatives, nasals, and liquids are all [+consonantal]; in their articulation the lower lip or some part of the tongue impededs the flow .. 2023. 6. 27.
2023 중등 임용 영어 기출분석 - 영어학 um... 오답노트 잘 안하는 나를 채찍질하기 위해 마련한 타이핑 오답노트! 미래의 나에게 도움이 되길 바라며.. 시작하자! 2023 중등임용 영어 기출분석 #A2 - Distinctive Feature(음운론) Distictive features of speech sounds play a critical role in many morphological processes in English, including suffixation. One of the suffixation processes is verb formation with the suffix -en. Consisder the following -en suffixed words. (1) sadden whiten soften dampen sicken.. 2023. 1. 6.