#A6 - nonemphatic stress, silent stress.
Consider the sentence Jennifer must have been in the refectory. The only lexical words in this sentence are Jennifer and refectory; the words in between are funcion words, to which no metrical structures are assigned —they are adjoined to the pre eding foot. It is quite clear that a foot, containing no fewer than eight unstressed syllables, constitutes a serious disruptionof stress timing in any utterance. Speakers are more likely ot adopt on oe fhte folloiwng scansions in (1). Note that none of these tree versions of the sentence places any particular emphasis on any of the words that have now received additional beats in performance. What function words are capable of receiving such rhythmically motivated stresses? (2) a. ˈJennifer must ˌbe in the reˈfectory. b. ˈJennifer ˌmust be in the reˈfectory. c.*ˈJennifer ˌmust ˌbe in the reˈfectory. d. ˈJohn must ˌbe in the reˈfectory. e.*ˈJohn ˌmust be in the reˈfectory. Note that the starred sentences (2)c, e, are only acceptable if they carry some emphasis on the stressed function words; the others have once again no particular emphasis on any of the stressed syllables. In (2c), ˌmust ˌbe cannot both receive a nonemphatic stress while ˌmust havaeˌbeen (1c) can; and similarly, *ˈJohn ˌmust be in (2e) is possible only under emphasis while ˈJennifer ˌmust be is again unmarked for emphasis. Another device of creating rhythmic beats in an utterance is that of inserting silent stresses — beats that are not filled by syllables but by brief pauses. Consdier again the statement of Jennifer's whereabouts, this time uttered like this: ' ˈJennifer ʌ must haveˌbe in the reˈfectory. (wherre the' ʌ ' indicates a silent stress). Unlike the distribution of pauses in speech, that of silent stresses in a sentence is not random. Silent stresses seem to occur principally at major syntactic boundaries — indeed, it is one of the functions of silent stresses to mark such boundaries in speech, and thereby possibly to resolve ambiguities. Now consider the ambiguous phrase " ˈold ˈmen and ˈwomen". In speech teh ambiguity may be resolved by silent stresses. |
function word는 non-emphatic stress, 그러니까 2강세도 아니고, 강조하려고 찍은 강세도 아닌, 순전히 운율감을 주기 위한 stress 를언제 받는 걸까? ➜(2c, e)가 정문이려면 emphatic stress받을 때나 가능하다 ➜ emphatic stress가 아니라면, function words인 'must, be'에 강세 오는 건 비문. |
#fef075 #fed5c2 |
#B5 Stress Pattern, ambisyllabicity
Take a look at a subclass of stress patterns where the final syllable of a word bears no stress(primary or secondary). a. aˈroma uˈtensil Aˈmerica toˈmato belinda ˈcamera saˈlami aˈmalgam ˈcinema poˈtato eˈnigma ˈcapital hoˈrizon deˈcathlon ˈanagram The words in (1a,b) have stress on the penultimate syllable and those in (1c) on the antepenultimate syllable. This distribution o f stress illustrates the central regularity within this subclass; and this regularity is goverend by syllable weight. The penultimate syllable is stressed if it is heavy; otherwise, stress falls on the antepenultimate syllable. Those in (1a) all contain long vowles (diphthongs or tesne monophthongs), those in (1b) contain vowel-plus-consonant sequences, while the examples in (1c) have penultimate syllabls whose rhymes merely contain lax vowels. We are now in a position where we can be more specific about ambisyllabicity. Regular stress(in nouns) falls on the penultimate syllable if it is heavy, otherwise on the antepenultimate syllable. The antepenultimate syllable in a word like America, and the penult in apple, is the last resort for the stress to go to. In such case, where a light syllable must take the stress, this syllable becomes heavy, under stress, through ambisyllabicity. Typically, ambisyllabicity occurs in words such as those listed in (1c) as well as in bisyllabic words. For this subclass, we have found a rule whereby the penultimate syllable takes stress if it is heavy and the antepenult does if the penult is light. But it would be wrong to assume that any noun that falls within this sublass has entirely predictable stress: (2) a.ˈbadminton b. vaˈnilla ˈcalendar maˈdonna The words in (2a) have heavy penultimate syllables; nevertheless, the stress falls on the antepenult. And the words in (2b) ought to have antepenultimate stress because they have light penultimate syllables; instead, they stress the penult and resort to ambisyllabicity to make that syllable heavy. It is perhaps worth noting that words of this type commonly have double consonant spellings, indicating perhaps the ambisyllabicity of the doubled consonant, and thereby the irregular tress behaviour of the word. |
(1a) a.RO.ma (1b) e.NIG.ma ➜ante.pen.ult (1c) a.ME.ri.ca ➜ ante.pen.ult ➜ penultimate 음절은 heavy할 때 stressed. (1a) ə.ˈroʊ.mə (1b) ə.ˈnɪɡ.mə (1c) əˈme.rɪ.kə ➜ penultimate 가벼워서 antepenultimate 으로 stress 넘어감. ➜ 그냥 있으면 light penultimate으로 stress 못 받으니까 ambisyllabicity 갖게 해서 그걸 heavy하게 만들어. 그럼 stress 받을 수 있으니까! :인줄 알았는데? 예외가 있더라. ➜(2a)는 penult가 heavy한데도, antepenult에 강세. ➜(2b)는 penult가 light한데도 stressed. |
explain the stress pattern of each word. ➜ : penultimate이 heavy한지, stress가 어느 syllable에 떨어지는지. sylinder, confetti. |
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