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23. 11-3B 모고 - free variation vs. allophonic variation

by '김맹고' 2024. 7. 21.


이렇게도 보는군?


   Segments may be more or less nasalised, labialised or fronted, and this gradience of many allophonic features may lead to the oversimplified conclusion that in certain cases the allophonic rule in question optionally fails to apply when in reality, on closer inspection, it may well be implemented to a very slight extent.

   It make sense, then, to concentrate our search for a genuinely optional rule on a phonetic feature that is intrinsically binary, such as the release characteristics of oral stops. Such stops may be either released or unreleased. There is no intrinsic gradience in this feature.
   Here are some examples of unreleased stops, indicated by a superscrit 'minus' after the stop.

  • (1)
    captain        [kæp-tən]

    hatpin         [hæt-pɪn] 
    blackboard  [blæk-bɔd] 
    obtain         [əb- ten] 
    good dog     [gʊd-dɒg]
    rugby          [rʌɡ-bɪ]
Unreleased stops occur in another context:
  • (2)
    cap       [kæp-]

    hat       [hæt-] 
    black   [blæk-] 
    good    [gʊd-]
    rug      [rʌɡ-]
    What is important here is that in both contexts the release of stops is, in phonological terms, optional: released and unreleased stops in such contexts are in _______ variation. 

Thus [t] and [t⁻] do no contrast, despite their parallel distribution, because they are not utilised in minimal pairs. However, this notion of ________ variation is only valid when the range of possible variables that may determine allophony is restriccted to purely phonlogical ones, excluding nonlinguistic factors.

allophonic feature
nasalized, labialised, fronted되는 정도가 발음할 때마다 달라
'allophonic rule'은 실제 발음할 때 잘 안지켜지는 거 아닌가?

optional rule : oral stop release
지켜도 안지켜도 그만인 음운규칙:oral stop release를 보자.
released vs.unreleased 딱 두가지로만 나뉘고
release의 정도(gradience)라는 건 없어. 

(1) unreleased stops occur before other stops.

(2) unreleased stops occur at syllable-final position?

➜아무튼, 지켜도 안지켜도 그만이다.

free variation
allophonic free variation - e.g. same phoneme에서 파생.
phonemic variation  - e.g. economics

released  [t]  와 unreleased [t⁻] 는 그럼 무슨 관계임?
- do not contrast  : 뜻차이 ❌
- parallel distribution(=overlapping) 같은 위치에 오고⭕
- minimal pairs 아니고 ❌ 
  ┗ overlapping⭕contrastive❌
- 이걸 하든 저걸하든 상관 없이 optional 하고.
Based on the passagre, first fill in each blank with the ONE most appropriate word.

Second, state the context where unreleased stops occur in (1)
(1) unreleased stops occur before other stops.
난 allophonic (free) variation을 free를 빼놓고 생각하고 있었네!!!!  ikonomi 랑 ekomomi 는 phonemic free variation인 걸 왜 모르겠니~

문제를 급하게 풀면 이 꼴이 나는구나. 위에서부터 빌들업을 그렇게 했는데!! 와아 이제서야 눈치를 채다니. 이 바보야.


