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2023 중등임용 영어 기출분석
#A2 - Distinctive Feature(음운론)
Distictive features of speech sounds play a critical role in many morphological processes in English, including suffixation. One of the suffixation processes is verb formation with the suffix -en. Consisder the following -en suffixed words. (1) sadden whiten soften dampen sicken fasten quieten thicken toughen One of the phonological characteristics shared in common among the adjective stems in (1) is that they are all monosyllabic, i.e., consisting of one syllable. The verb-forming suffix -en seems to attach to a wide range of monosyllabic adjectives, but it sometimes creates ill-formed suffixed words, as illustrated in (2). All adjective stems in (2) are monosyllabic, but they cannot combine with the verb-forming suffix -en (2) *grayen *meanen *pooren *freeen *tallen *slimen To explain why the words in (2) are unattested, we need another phonological property that refers to one of the distinctive features that are used for vowels and consononants in English. The table in (3) provides some of the well-known distinctive features for vowels and consonants that the adjective stems in (1) and (2) end in. (3) vowel glide liquid nasal obstruent [consonantal] ― ― + + + [continuant] + + + ― +/― [syllabic] + ― +/― +/― ― [sonorant] + + + + ― |
➜ adjective + -en = verb ➜ d / t / f / p / k / t / t / k / f - +en ┗ obstruents ➜ e / n / r/ i / l / m + - en (x) ┗ sonorants ➜ syllabic : 음절의 핵 (nucleus) ➜ 멘토 교재에는 liquid 와 nasal [-syllabic]로 나와있는데, 그건 phoneme의 관점. 여기서는 allophones로 봐서 +/―. |
[-sonorant] |
syllabic adjective에 붙는지 알아보는 문제임.
(1) sadden / whiten / soften / dampen / sicken / fasten / quieten / thicken / toughen
(1)의 adj 들은 끝이 [d, t, f, p, k, s]로 끝남.
얘네는 + obsturent.
(2) *grayen *meanen *pooren *freen *tallen *slimen
[e, i, n, l, r. m] + -en 이건 비문.
얘네는 + sonorant
[괄호] 안이 distinctive feature. 표에서는 phonemes가 아닌 allophones의 관점에서 보고 있음.
[consonantal] - 그래서 glide[j, w]가 포함 안 된듯.
[continuant] - nasal 또 stop이니까 -
[Syllabic] - 음절의 핵이 되는, nucleus가 될 수 있는.
[sonorant] - 공명도.
(1)애들 특징이 obsturents들이고, obstruents들은 모두 [-sonorant] feature 가졌으니까.
정답은 [-sonorant]
#A6 Sonority, Phonotactics(음운론)
이 consonant가 onset에서 다른 자음과 조합이 가능할까?
Native speakers' intuitions about possible and impossible words are heavily influenced by the phonological properties of sound sequences, represented by relative differences in sonority, i.e., how resonant one sound is compared to the other. A group of English native speakers were asked to decide how each of the following nonsense words sounds to them, and to give each word a numerical rating, from '1' to '5', according to how confident the respondents are that those are Englih-like words, '1' meant that the word is definitely not English-like, and '5' meant that it can definitely be an English word. Their averaged ratings for the words are shown in (1). ![]() It appears that native speakers of English perceive words with simple onset to be more English-like than those with complex onset, and simply reject words that violate the phonotactics in English. However, the presence of onset clusters and legitimate phonotactics do not fully explain how the speakers' intuition work. Another group of English native speakers were asked to do the same task for a different set of nonsense words, as illustrated in (2). ![]() |
➜ nuclues 쪽으로 갈 수록 공명도 곡선이 gradually 올라가야 함 ![]() |
- Based on <A>, first, identify the TWO nonsense word in <B> that are likely to result in a low rating(closer to '1'). Then, state the ONE phonological generalization that can explain both why bod, timp, and rog are considered more English-like than mbotto in (1) and why shliz and zloog are considered more English-like than nfape and mvupe in (2).
일단 얘는 문제가 굉장히 복잡해. 빠진 거 없는지 잘 분석해봐야함.
이건 sonority sequence(공명도가 nucleus까지 상승하는 거) 랑 phonotactics(consonant 가 onset에서 다른 자음과 조합이 가능한지 나타내는) 와 관련 있음.
(1) bod[bad] / timp [tImp] 는 nuclues 인 o 와 I 쪽으로 공명도 곡선이 상승하고 하강한다. 아무 문제 없음. 1음절들이니까!
mbotto[mbato]는 not English-like로 나왔는데 이건 sonority가 m(3), b(1), a(5)로 V 형태로 곡선이 그려져서 영어로 느껴지지 않음.
simple onset to be more English-like than those with complex onset,
> simple onset은 모음 앞 자음이 하나인 거.
> complex onset은 onset clusters들을 말하는 것. cf) mbotto
> however, the presence of onset clusters and legitimate phonotactics do not fully explain how theh spesakers' intuition work.
(2) shliz[slIz] / zloog[zlug] - 4.16 / 3.76
nfape[nfeIp] / mvupe [mvup] - 1.98 / 1.76
shliz[slIz] / zloog[zlug] - nucleus 쪽으로 공명도 곡선 올라감.
s(fricative2), l(3), I(5)
nfape[nfeIp] / mvupe [mvup] - V자 모양
> n(3), f(1), a(5)
a. kneeb[knib]
b. rviss [rvIs] - V
c. znape [zneIp]
d. nkob [nkob] - V
(1)first, identify the TWO nonsense word in <B> that are likely to result in a low rating(closer to '1').
➜ b, d
(2)Then, state the ONE phonological generalization that can explain both why bod, timp, and rog are considered more English-like than mbotto in (1) and why shliz and zloog are considered more English-like than nfape and mvupe in (2).
➜The one phonological generalization is that
in English, the words witih (1)simple onset and (2)complex onset have sonority increasing gradually towards the nucleus of the syllable.
#A7 Syntax - crossing branches (통사론)
- Based on <A>, first, idenfity the ONE structurally unavailable reading in (3) in <B> and identify the ONE ungrammatical sentence in (4) in <B>, both of which violate the NCB constraint. Second, explain how the sentence you chose in (4) violates the NCB constraint.
A sentence sometimes allows for more than one reading when a modifier has more than one option to take. For instance, in (1) the PP in France may modify a verb to derive the meaning of "I went to France where a seminar on language took place," or a noun to derive the meaning of "The seminar was about language in France." (1) I went to a seminar on language in France. In syntax, branches are now allowed to cross in tree structure, which is also known as the No Crossing Branches(NCB) constraint. Observe that sentence (2a) is ruled out, and its ungrammaticality is attributed to a violation of the NCB constraint, as shown in (2b). (2) a. *The baby might be afraid in the park of new people. ![]() |
➜ ᵖᵖ[in the park] 는 Adjunct인데 ᴴᵉᵃᵈ[afraid] 랑 ᶜᵖᵗ[of new people] 사이에 끼어있음. 그래서 비문임. ➜ its ungrammaticality is attributed to a violation of the No Crossing Branches(NCB) constraint. ![]() |
<B> (3) The man is talking to the woman with a tablet on the desk. a. The man is on the desk, and the woman owns a tablet. b. The woman is on the desk, and the man owns a tablet. c. The woman owns a tablet, and teh tablet is on the desk. (4) a. He should not surely break his promise. b. He should surely not break his promise. c. He surely should not break his promise. Note 1: Assume that surely is a sentence adverb adjoining to thet S node. Note 2: Assume that not merges at SpecVP in tree diagrams. |
(3) The man is talking to the woman ᴬᴶᵀ[with a tablet] ᴬᴶᵀ[on the desk]. (x)b. The woman is on the desk, and the man owns a tablet. (x)(4a)He should not surely break his promise. ![]() ➜ not은 VP의 SPEC 자리에 와야함. ➜ not이 should not surely 자리에 오면 S node에 adjoin해야하는 sentence adverb surely 가 cross the branch. |
전체적으로 2023년도 영어학 문제들은 자잘하게 요구하는 게 많은 듯.
idenfity the ONE structurally unavailable reading in (3) in <B>
identify the ONE ungrammatical sentence in (4) in <B>, both of which violate the NCB constraint.
- First, in <B> the structurally unavailable reading is (3b)
Second, explain how the sentence you chose in (4) violates the NCB constraint.
- and the ungrammatical sentence is (4a).
- Second, in (4a), in tree diagrams the sentence adverb 'surely' which adjoins to the S node cannot occur between the word 'not' which merges at SpecVP and the V-bar 'break his promise'; the adverb 'surely' ends up crossing the VP branch to adjoin to the S node, violating the NCB constraint.
#B2 preposition(Grammar + Syntax)
- Fill in the blanks 1 and 2 in <B> each with ONE word from <A>, in the correct order.
Traditionally the parts of speech such as adjective, adverb, noun, preposition, or verb have been defined under semantic criteria. For example, nouns are defined as words that denote people, things, animals, and places. In many cases, the traditional definition works well as teachers, tables, cats, and schools are all categorized as nouns. However, there are many other cases in which the definition does not work. For instance, sincerity, love, and destruction are all nouns but they denote a personality trait, an emotional state, and a process, respectively. As an alternative, syntacticians categorize the parts of speech under distributional criteria. They group words that can fit in the syntactic context and then name the category. In the distributional context in (1), for example, words such as dog, child, analysis, or love can fill in the blank, but other words like in, eliminate, or sadly can't; in other words, no part of speech other thana noun can occur in the blank. (1) His _________ is great. Bearing the description above in mind, consider the following examples in (2)-(5) that show the distributions of there and fast. (2) a. They repaired the car right there. b.*They repaired the car right fast. c. They repaired the car right in that building. (3) a. They repaired the car very fast. b.*They repaired the car very there. c. They repaired the car fast enough. d.*They repaired the car there enough. (4) a. The people there are very cheerful. b.*The people fast are very cheerful. c. The people at work are very cheerful. (5) a. The place he drove his car to is in the center. b.*The place he drove his car to is fast. c. The place he drove his car to is there. |
➜ 문장 안에서 나타나는 통사적 기준이 있다. (2) a. They repaired the car right there. b.*They repaired the car right fast. c. They reparied the car right in that building. ➜ preposition은 right이 spec으로 올 수 있음. ➜ right은 부사 앞에서 사용(X) (3) a. They repaired the car veryfast. b.*They repaired the car verythere. c. They repaired the car fast enough. d.*They repaired the car thereenough. ➜ preposition은 very의 수식을 받을 수 없음. ➜ very + in that building~ 뭐 이런 거 안 된다는 말임. ➜ preposition은 뒤에서 enough 수식 받을 수 없음. |
preposition adverb |
여기서 나온 내용 사실 Bas Aarts 원서에서 안 짚고 넘어간 부분이었지만, 푸는 데 큰 문제는 없었음. 하지만 틀렸지 하하..
p. Bas Aarts - p. 190 - 192
- 'regular' PPs also do not allow premodifiaction by very or postmodification by enough, but they do allow the word right to precede them.
따라서 there 은 preposition
fast 는 adverb.
#B4 Stress and foot (음운론)
Many derivational suffixes in English share the same phonological forms, but serve different morphological functions. One example of this is the derivational suffix -al. Consider the following words ending in -al in (1). Some -al words are adjectives and others are nouns. (1)
(2) *abandonal *fidgetal *investigatal *proomisal *qualifial English verbs and nouuus exhibit a wide range of stress patterns. These are represented by the ultimate, penultimate, or antipenultimate sstress, or by the trochaic or iambic structure, etc. The phonological requirement, in relation to stress and foot structure, for the noun-forming suffix -al can explain why the suffix sometimes creates unattested nouns. The attested -al nouns in (1) and the unattested ones in (2) differ markedly in their stress and foot patterns. The stress pattern shared in common among the attested -al nouns is also found in many underived nouns, as illustrated in (3). (3)
(1)-al nouns ➜ peultimate stress 받고 있음.(단어의 뒤에서 두 번째) ➜ 그런데 verb stem 은 ultimate stress 받고 있음. cf) survive dismissal [dɪˈsmɪsəl] betrayal reversal survival renewal referral (2) Impossible -al nouns. ➜ antepenultimate stress 받고 있음(강세 뒤에서 세 번째) *abandonal [əˈbændənəl] *fidgetal *invesitgatal *promisal *qualifial ➜trochaic foot: 강약(强에서 시작해서 그 다음 强까지) ➜iambic foot(약강) ![]() ![]() ![]() (3) * appendix * Chicago ➜마찬가지로 penultimate에 stress. |
<B> The above data show that both attested -al nouns in (1) and underived nouns in (3) have the primary stress on the ①_____ syllable, creating a(n) ②_____ foot at the end. |
➜Chicago : weak-strong-weak ➜dismissal [dɪˈsmɪsəl] : weak-strong-weak ➜ at the end: weak으로 끝나니까 trochaic foot. ![]() |
- Fill in the blanks ①and ② in <B> each with ONE word from <A>, in the correct order. Then, state the phonological generalization that determines which verb stem the noun-forming suffix -al can attach to.
First, the words are ①penultimate ②trochaic. Second, The phonological generalization is that the noun-forming suffix '-al' can attach to the verb stem that has the ultimate stress.
#B5 Combinatory, Segragatory (문법)
이 문제... 참으로 어려웠어.

뭔 말인지 당최 1도 몰라서 한 글자도 못 썼음. 앤쌤도 이 문제에서 가장 오답이 많이 나올거라고 하셨는데, 한편으로는 '내가 틀렸으니 다른 사람도 다 틀렸겠구나~' 하는 마음으로 안도했음.
Coordination by and, but, and or can be divided into clausal and phrasal coordination types, as demonstrated in (1a) and (1b), respectively. (1) a. [Jim speaks Spanish poorly] but [he got good scores on the Spanish exam] b. Jim speaks [French or German]. In many cases, a phrasal coordination can be expanded into a logically equivalent clausal one. Compare sentence (2a) with (2b). If (2a) is true, then (2b) is true, and vice versa. The two sentences are logically equivalent nd they can also be said to share the same truth conditions. (2) a. Aliceᵢ introduced me to herᵢ [mother and father]. b. [Aliceᵢ introduced me to herᵢ mother] and [sheᵢ introduced me to herᵢ father]. There are, however, some pairs of coordination sentences that do not share the same truth conditions. Consider the examples in (3), for instance. Under condition where Sue had coffee but not tea, (3b) is true but (3a) is false. Sentence (3a) is true when it denotes that Sue had neither coffee nor tea. (3) a. Sue didn't have any [coffee or tea]. b. [Sueᵢ didn't have any coffee] or [sheᵢ didn't have any tea.] ᴺᵒᵗᵉ ⁻ᵀʰᵉ ˢᵘᵇˢᶜʳᶦᵖᵗ 'ᵢ' ᶦⁿᵈᶦᶜᵃᵗᵉˢ ᶜᵒʳᵉᶠᵉʳᵉⁿᵗᶦᵃˡᶦᵗʸ. |
- 자 일단 coordination 은 two type으로 나뉠 수 있다.
a. phrasal b. clausal (3) a. Coffee도 안 마시고 tea도 안 마시고 b. Coffee 아니면 tea를 안 마셨을수도. ➜ Sue가 coffee나 tea中 coffee 하나만 마셨을 때를 전제했을 때, ➜ (3b)는 Sue는 커피를 아예 안마셨거나 차를 아예 안마셨거나, 둘 중 하나이기 때문에 TRUE. ➜ (3a)는 둘 다 안마셨기 때문에 FALSE. ➜ (3a)가 TRUE 려면, 'Sue had neither coffee nor tea.'가 되어야 함 |
<B> (4) a. Your car keys are [in your purse or on the dresser]. b. The [last and most telling] objection concerned the cost. c. Fred [noticed but didn't mention] Bill's inconsistencies. d. [Two perfect and four slightly damaged] copies were found. |
➜ (4)보기들은 phrasal coordination이고, 문제에서는 'that shows different truth conditions from the clausal coordination'이라고 물어봤으니까, ➜ truth condition 비교를 위해 먼저 보기들을 clausal coordination으로 바꿔야 한다. a.[ Your car keys are in your purse]or[your car keys are on the dresser]. (O) b. [ The last objection concerend the cost] and [the most telling objection concerened the cost]. (X) ┗ 가장 마지막이자 효과적인 objection 하나 vs. 마지막인 objection과 효과적인 objection 총 둘. c. [ Fred noticed Bill's inconsistenties] but [Fred didn't mention Bill's inconsistencies]. d. [ Two perfect copies were found] and [four slightly damaged copies were found]. |
- Based on the description in <A>, first, idenify the ONE phrasal coordination in the sentences in <B> that shows different truth conditions from the clausal coordination , and then change it into an appropriate clausal coordination. Second, explain how the phrasal cordination you chose and the clausal coordination you created differ in their truth conditions
<B> (4) a. Your car keys are [in your purse or on the dresser]. b. The [last and most telling] objection concerned the cost. c. Fred [noticed but didn't mention] Bill's inconsistencies. d. [Two perfect and four slightly damaged] copies were found. |
오우야.. 끝!
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