오늘도 마저 해보는 2022 중등 임용 영어 기출분석 영어학 편.
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2022 중등임용 영어 기출분석
#A4 - neutralization (음운론)
When two consonants appear word-initially, the sonority of the first consonant is lower than that of the second one except for /s/ and voiceless obstruent sequences such as [st] in stop and [sf] in sphere. Accordingly, the two liquids /l/ and /r/ appear as the second consonant since they have relatively high sonority. However, it is not the case that all the combinations are possible as below. ![]() As presented above, some consonant clusters including a liquid as the second do not appear in word-initial positions except for a few loanwords. As a result, the contrast between the two liquids /l/ and /r/ is neutralized after ___________ obstruents in word-initial positions. |
➜ [p, b, f, k, g] stop, fricative = obstruents ➜ l과 r 대립/뜻 차이를 이뤘는데 [θ, t, d, s, ʃ ] 뒤에서는 contrast가 neutralized. 된다. ➜ θ: interdetenal t,d,s: alveolar ʃ : alveo-palatal ➜ /l/ 과 /r/ 이 대립/ 뜻차이를 이루는데 밑에서는 대립이 사라짐. |
Fill in the blank with ONE most apporpriate word | - the contrast between the two liquids /l/ and /r/ 이 뭐 때문에 neutralized 되는지. 는 /l/ 과 /r/ 이 second 자리에 와서 consonant cluster로 올 수 있지만, ➜ stop 과 fricative는 둘 다 obstruent이지만, 빈칸 바로 앞에 obstruent 있음. ➜ 그럼 place of articulation 찾아서 넣어줘야지. 따라서, Coronal. 참고로 coronal 은 interdental ~ palatal 전까지임. (tongue tip+tongue blade) |
#A6 - aspiration, foot (음운론)
In English, prosodic units such as syllable and foot are referred to in the phonological description. Here we are going to refer to foot, which is trochaic in English as in (1) ![]() Now take a look at the datea in (2). Voiceless stops are aspirated when they are followed by a stressed vowel, whether it is a primary stress as in (2a) or a secondary stress as in (2b). But, even before a stressed vowel, they are not aspirated when it is preceded by /s/ as in (2c). Lastlsy, they are not aspirated when they are followed by an unstressed vowel as in (2d). So the phonological deescription of the aspiration phenomenon must be complicated without referring to foot. ![]() |
➜ trochaic foot: 강약(强에서 시작해서 그 다음 强까지) ➜ iambic foot은 약.강. ➜ voiceless stop은 강세받는 음절/강세받는 모음이 뒤따르면 aspirated된다. ➜ S 뒤에서는 aspiration (x) ➜ unstressed vowel이 뒤따르면 unaspirated. s w s w - 2foot ➜b. personality : pɜrsəˈnæləti - p 2강세에도 aspiration이 일어난다! ➜ c. asparagus : S 다음에 p는 unaspirated. |
a. operation b. disentangle c. accountability d. substantial (ⅰ) ➜ a. p 뒤에 unstressed vowel 뒤따라서 (x) ➜ b. t 뒤에 stressed vowel 뒤따라서 (o) ➜ c. k 뒤에 au - stressed vowel 뒤따라서 aspiration 됨. (o) ➜ d. t 뒤에 stressed vowel 이지만 바로 앞에 s 있어서 unaspirated. (x) (ⅱ) ➜ trochaic foot: 강약(强에서 시작해서 그다음 强까지) (ⅲ) ➜ 강세 받는 음절의 첫 번째 segment 에 온다. [답] The two words are (b) disentangle and (c) accountability. Voiceless stops are aspirated only if when they are in the initial position of a trochaic foot. |
* Flap은 secondary stress에서는 안 나타나.
#A7 - adjunct, complement (통사론)
Coordination is possible when two constituents share the same type of syntactic function. As shown in (1a), a complement can be conjoined by another complement. If it is combined with an adjunct, however, ungrammaticality results as in (1b). ![]() The syntactic function of dependents (i.e., complements or adjuncts) influences one-replacement of nouns, too. Note, for example, that a noun prince can be replaced by one in (2a), but not in (2b). The difference lies in what syntactic function the PP serves in each example. The noun is modified by an adjunct in (2a), buy by complement in (2b). (2) a. The prince from Denmark and the one from Japan met each other yesterday. b.*The prince of Denmark and the one of Japan met each other yesterday. It is possible for dependents of nouns to appear in a pre-nominal position, which triggers structural ambiguity. For instance Korean in 'the Korean professor' can be interpreted as either complement or adjunct: the professor teaching th e Korean language and the professor from Korea, respectively. |
➜ NP and NP : form ➜ CPT and CPT: function ➜ 등위 접속에서 더 중요한 건 FUNCTION! ➜(1b) PP로 form은 같지만 CPT와 AJT로 function이 다른. ➜ 'CPT and AJT' 는 비문. ➜ one 대치는 N bar 만 가능. ➜ the prince가 one 대치가 되니까 N' position. ➜ from Denmark는 N' 의 sister = Adjunct. ➜ of 전치사가 오면 대부분 Complement임. ➜ N' 아니기 때문에 one 대치 일어날 수 없음. |
Based on <A>, identify in <B> whether Korean in (ⅰ) and (ⅱ) should be interpreted as language, nationality, or both. Write your answers in the correct order. Then, explain your answers on the basis of the description in <A>.
(ⅰ) ~ linguistics and Korean Professor
➜ linguistics 등위접속이니까 Korean도 language 임. 둘 다 CPT.
(ⅱ) Mina is not the Japanese professor but the Korean one.
➜ professor 과 one 대치 일어남. = 둘 다 N bar
➜ Japanese, Korean 둘 다 one 의 sister = AJT
(ⅲ) 따라서
In (ⅰ), Korean should be interpreted as language while Korean in (ⅱ) should be interpreted as nationality.
In (ⅰ), 'linguistics' is a complement and it can be conjoined by another complement 'Korean'. Coordination is possible when two constituents share the same type of syntactic function.
In (ⅱ), the noun 'professor' can be replaced by 'one' when it is modified by an adjunct and therefore, 'Korean' is an adjunct.
[지문 내용]
➜ Coordination is possible when two constituents share the same type of syntactic function. As shown in (1a), a complement can be conjoined by another complement.
➜Note, for example,that a noun prince can be replaced by onein (2a), but not in (2b). The difference lies in what syntactic function the PP serves in each example.The noun is modified by an adjunctin (2a), buy by complement in (2b).
#B2 - Head movement, VP-ellipsis (통사론)
The tense -affix, such as -ed or -s, forms an independent head(T) that is separated from a verb in the underlying structure, as shwhon in (1) and (2). The T-affix needs to attach to a verb in the surface structurevia so-called 'Head Movement'. To be specific, T lowers onto lexical verbs, and auxiliary verbs be / have raise to T. ![]() Let us now observe the data in (3) and (4) that involve so-called 'Verb Phrase ellipsis (VP-ellipsis).' VP-ellipsis is assumed to be licensed when the verb phrase in the second conjunct is isomorphic to that of its corresponding antecedent. For example, the VP of the second conjunct in (3a) is identical to the one in the first conjucnt, and deletion of the VP is possible in (3b). The same holds of (4b). However, an interesting difference is observed; namely, dummy do is required in the second conjunct in (3), but prohibited in (4). (3) a. Joe didn't finish the cake, but Mary finished the cake. b. Joe didn't finish the cake, but Mary did c.*Joe didn't finish the cake, but Mary (4) a. Kim wasn't listening to him, but Sue was listening to him. b. Kim wasn't listening to him, but Sue was |
➜ VP-ellipsis : VP 삭제하고 did랑 조동사만 남는. ➜ isomorphic: 똑같이 대치되는 거. e.g. ____ or ____. ➜ b. Joe didn't finish the cake, but Mary did ➜c는 조동사 안남기고 통으로 삭제돼서 비문. ➜ Head movement : ~ed+be = was |
Fill in the blanks in the correct order with the TWO syntactic operations from the passage.
a. Joe didn't finish the cake but Maryfinishedthe cake.
VP-ellipsis 먼저 일어남
Head movement : ed + do = did.
b. Joe didn't finish the cake, but Mary did <finish the cake>
➜ (3b) 에서 VP-ellipsis 먼저 일어남
➜ -ed 혼자는 문장 실현이 안 되니까 do- support 해 줌.
➜ Head movement : ed + do = did.
(ⅱ) b. Kim wasn't listening to him, but Sue was <listening to him.>.
➜ (4b)에서는 Head movement가 먼저
➜ was 있기 때문에 T 쪽으로 Raising.
➜ do support 필요 없음.
(ⅲ) 따라서
①VP-ellipsis ② Head movement
VP-ellipsis 와 Head Movement.
Joe finished the cake.
T의 시제가 lowers onto lexical verbs (=head movement = affix hopping)
Joe was listening to music.
-auxiliary verb be/have raise to T.
be동사가 I로 raising하는.
(3c)*Joe didn't finish the cake but Mary.
Joe didn't finish the cake but Mary [finished the cake.ʰᵉᵃᵈ ᵐᵒᵛᵉᵐᵉⁿᵗ]
Joe didn't finish the cake but Mary [ᵛᵖ ᵉˡˡᶦᵖˢᶦˢ] 통으로 VP 날려버려 없어짐.
Tense-ed가 do support 못받아서 뒷자리 텅 비어버림.
#B4 - Syllabic consonants (음운론)
Nucleus positions in syllables are usually taken by vowels. In the cases that syllables h ave no vowel, consonants stand as the nuclues. It is usual to indicate that a consonant ins syllabic by means of a small vertical mark (.) beneath or above the symbol. Even though syllabic consonatns are observed word-medially (e.g., Hungary: R), most syllabic consonants are found word-finally as in (1). Note that some words can be realized in two phonetic forms. ![]() The table in (2) provides distinctive features to categorize natural classes depending on the manners of articulation. ![]() ![]() |
➜ Syllabic Consonants 전반적인 설명. ➜ 기본적으로 Syllabic nasal은 앞 자음과 homorganicity(=동기관음)를 요구함. ➜ in the word-final position, /n/ is realized as a syllabic nasal when immediately preceded by ______ segments. p / b / t / d / k / g f / θ / s / ʃ + /n/ t̠ʃ = obstruents [-sonorant] ➜ in the word-final position, /l/ is realized as a syllabic liquid when immediately preceded by ___segments. p / b / t / d / k / g - stops t̠ʃ - affricate f / θ / s / ʃ - fricatives + / l / m / n / - nasals r - liquid = [+consonantal] |
- Based on the data in (1), fill in each blank in <B> with the ONE most approrpiate feature in (2), respectively. Write your answers in the correct order. Then, identify the syllabic consonant that is always homorganic with the preceding consonant in the given data, and explain the reason.
(ⅰ) in the word-final position, /n/ is realized as a syllabic nasal when immediately preceded by ______ segments.
p / b / t / d / k / g
f / θ / s / ʃ + /n/ t̠ʃ
= obstruents [-sonorant]
➜ in the word-final position, /l/ is realized as a syllabic liquid when immediately preceded by ___segments.
p / b / t / d / k / g - stops
t̠ʃ - affricate
f / θ / s / ʃ - fricatives + / l /
m / n / - nasals
r - liquid
= [+consonantal]
(ⅱ) identify the syllabic consonant that is always homorganic with the preceding consonant
➜ homorganicity (=동기관음 = manner of articulation)
➜ syllabic consonant ŋ (=velar)
➜ /k/, /g/ = velars
(ⅲ) 따라서
[답안] (a) [-sonorant] (b) [+consonantal]
The syllabic consonant [ŋ] is always homorganic with the preceding consonant because there are no instances of non-homorganicity so far as the syllabic [ŋ] is concerned. [ŋ] only occurs after velar stops [k] and [g] when the syllabic [ŋ] assimilates to the place of articulation of the preceding velar stops.
#B5 - Subjacency (통사론)
이 자식... 어렵네....
Subjacency is a syntactic constraint that restricts movement to be local; namely, movement should cross over only one bounding node(i.e., TP, NP, or CP). Crossing over more than one bounding node in one cycle of movement would result in ungrammaticaliy. Let us consider the example in (1a), shoe derivation is presented in (1b). ![]() The wh-phrase in (1) involves two cycles of wh-movement. In the first cycle, the wh-phrase raises from the complement of broke to the specifier of CP in thet embedded clause, from which it raises to the matrix specifier position of CP in the second cycle. It is crucial to note that the second cycle crosses over three bounding nodes. This is a violation of Subjacency and ungrammaticality results. Now consider a grammatical sentence in (2), which involves one cycle of wh-movement crossing over two TPs, hence apparently violating Subjacency. ![]() To explain the grammaticality of the example in (2), an additional condition in (3) should be imposed for one of theh TPs not to be counted as a bounding node. (3) Complements of a verb are not bounding nodes. Bearing the above description in mind, let us reconsider sentence (1). When what undergoes the second cycle of wh-movement in (1), it crosses over two bounding nodes. This is because the ________ phrase is no longer a bounding node. ![]() |
➜ bounding node 하나씩만 넘어가야함. ➜(1)은 비문. ➜ [ ᶜᵖ ˢᵖᵉᶜ What did [ᵀᴾ Sue hear [ᴺᴾ the rumor [ᶜᵖ▲that [ᵀᴾ Bill broke ▲]]]]]? ➜ broke▲가 cp의 spec 자리까지 move 하려면 ➜ two cycles of wh-movement 일어남. ➜ first cycle : [ᶜᵖ▲that [ᵀᴾ Bill broke ▲] ↩ ➜ second cycle : [ᶜᵖ What did [ᵀᴾ Sue hear [ᴺᴾ the rumor [ᶜᵖ▲that ↩ [ᶜᵖ What did [ᵀᴾ Sue hear [ᴺᴾ the rumor [ᶜᵖ▲that ① ② ③ ➜ 한 번의 cycle에 crosses ①②③ bounding nodes. (2) Which book does [ᵀᴾJohn seem [ᵀᴾto like▲]]? ① ② ↩ ➜ crossing over two TPs 인데도 정문. (3)동사의 목적어는 NP든 절이든 하나의 node(X) (2) Which book does [ᵀᴾJohn seem [ ① ➜ cross ① node여서정문. (1)[ᶜᵖ What did [ᵀᴾ Sue hear [ ① |
- Fill in the blank in <A> with a part of speech. Then, based on <A>, identify ONE ungrammatical sentence in <B>, and explain how the sentence violates Subjacency by specifying the bouding nodes that the wh-pharse crosses over.
(ⅰ) Which actress did [ᵀᴾ you think [ᶜᵖ that John had a strong influence on▲]? (O)
➜ that 절에서 넘어오는 건 node (x)
➜ 동사 think의 목적절이니까.
(ⅱ) Which actress did [ᵀᴾ [ ᴺᴾ a picture of ▲ ]scare the entire population]? (X)
① ② ↩
➜ TP, NP 두 개 넘어서 비문.
(ⅲ) Which actress did [ᵀᴾJohn believe ▲] spoiled the whole movie? (O)
Sentence(ⅱ) is ungrammatical. It violates Subjacency because the wh-phrase 'which actress' crosses over two bounding nodes nodes, the NP node 'a picture of ' and the TP node in the main clause. Crossing over more than one bouding node in one cycle of movement would result in ungrmmaticality.
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