
오케이. 이번 2019 임용 영어 기출분석 가보자고!
2023년도 기출문제까지 풀어 본 결과.. 뭔가 시간을 역행할 수록 영어학이 정말 어려웠었구나... 하는 느낌이 강하다. 지금은 어찌저찌 패턴화되어서 정제된 느낌으로 출제되는 반면에(아님 말고) 옛날 문제는 정말 어디서 출제될지 가늠하기 어려워서 모든 교재를 다 봐야했던 그런 닉김.
anyway, 임용 끝내고 쭝궈화 다시 배워서 대만 놀러가야쥐~
2019 중등임용 영어학 기출분석
#A4 - Phonetics+Phonology - assimilation
- Read the passage and fill in each blank with the ONE most appropriate word. Wrtie your answers in the correct order.
Across morpheme boundaries, obligatory nasal assimilation to bilabials or alveolars applies without restriction, as shown in (1). (1) compose composition symbol symbolic sympathy sympathetic condemn condemnation intone intonation indent indentation On the other hand, obligatory nasal assimilation to velars applies selectively, as shown in (2). (Note that optional nasal assimilation may apply postlexically to derive ‘co[ŋ]cordance,’ ‘co[ŋ]gressional,’ etc.) (2) Nasal assimilation No nasal assimilation co[ŋ]cord co[n]cordance co[ŋ]gress co[n]gressional co[ŋ]quer co[n]cur co[ŋ]gruous co[n]gruity sy[ŋ]chrony sy[n]chronic i[ŋ]cubate i[n]clude The examples in (2) illustrate that obligatory nasal assimilation applies only when preceded by a(n) ___①___ vowel and followed by a(n) ___②___ vowel with a velar involved. | ➜ morpheme 에 밑줄. ➜ assimilation은 발음뿐만 아니라, spelling도 영향을 미침. ➜ nasal consonants들이 뒤따르는 bilabials/alveolars의 영향을 맏아 assimilation 일어남. ➜①ˈkɑŋˌkɔrd / ② kənˈkɔrdəns ➜①ˈkɑŋɡrəs / ②kənˈɡrɛʃənəl ① velars [k,g] 에 맞게 n이 ŋ로 assimilation. ② velars[k,g] 가 있어도 [n]로 발음. assimilation 안 일어남. ➜WHY? ①은 vowel이 stressed. ②는 unstressed. |
AEP p. 48
assimilation에 영향을 주는 애덜
① adjacent segment - 뒤에 velar sound 왔는데도 assimilation 안일어났으니까 이건 (x)
② syllable boundary - 어차피 두 집단 모두 syllable boundary에 걸쳐서 assimilation 일어나기 때문에 노상관.(x)
③ stress - 요놈이 범인.
- /m/ and /n/ become labio-dental [ɱ] when they are followed by labio-dental sound.
📍e.g. emphasis[ˈɛɱfəsɪs], invite[ɪɱˈvaɪt]
②Total change in place of articulation
📍e.g. ten pairs[tɛm pɛrz] , you can go[jukəŋɡo]
③Regressive assimilation
- The alveolar nasal /n/ is retroflexed when it occurs after /r/ (burn, barn)
④Partial devoicing
- /m/ and /n/ are subject to progressive assimilation in case of partial devoicing after the voiceless obstruent /s/.
📍e.g snail, small.
#A5 - Phonetics + phonology - tense / lax vowels.
- Read the passage and fill in the blank with the most appropriate IPA symbol.
Two different definitions are employed for the tense-lax distinction. One is the phonetic definition given in (1). (1) Phonetic definition a. A tense vowel has a higher tongue position than its lax counterpart. b. A tense vowel has greater duration than its lax couterpart. c. A tense vowel requires a greater muscular effort in production than a lax vowel. The other is a phonologically defined tesne-lax separation in terms of the different kinds of syllables in which the vowels can occur. (2) Phonological definition Tense vowels can appear in open syllables with stress while lax vowels cannot. The distributionally based phonological classification of tense-lax comes into conflict with the phonetically based classification in several respects. First of all, both /oʊ/ and /ɔ/ are tense in the phonological classification while they are separated as tense and lax, respectively, in the phonetic classification. Second, there is a problem with regard to duration, which the phonetically based criterion focuses on. While it is true that several of the lax vowels are short, _____ is not. Indeed, this vowel has equal duration with, or even greater duration than typically long and tesne vowels. | ➜ tense vowel에서 두드러지는 음성학적 특징.(물리적) ➜ 그래프 흰 영역 참고 : 길고 강한소리 ![]() ➜ 어떤 환경에 올 수 있는지. ➜ lax vowel은 대부분 short duration이지만 ___은 lax 임에도 예외적으로 long duration을 가진다. 답은 æ |

#A5 - Syntax - Extrapose
이 문제.. 왕어렵네... 분명히 나중에 보면 또 틀린다.
Transformational Grammar p. 448~453
Clausal modifiers of NPs which function as the Subject of the Object can move to the end of the sentence, which is called 'extraposition,' as shown in (1) and (2), respectively. Thte extraposed CP can be adjoined to VP or TP. (1) a. A man [ who has red hair ] just came in. b. A man just came in [ who has red hair ]. (2) a. John won't turn a friend [ who needs help ] away. b. John won't turn a friend away [ who needs help ]. Let's take a closer examination of the extraposition of the CP from the Object position in (2b). As confirmed in (3), VP preposing can be further applied to (2b) and the resulting setence is grammatical. This suggests that the extraposed CP from the Object position is adjoined to VP, since only phrasal constituents can move. (3) John said that he wouldn't turn a friend away who needs help, and [ turn a friend away who needs help ] he won't. The whole process can be represented as in (4): from the structure in (4a) the clausal modifier CP adjoined to VP in (4b) and the resulting VP constituent moved to the front of the sentence in (4c) (4) a. [ᵀᴾ John won't [ᵛᵖ turn [ ᴺᴾ a friend [ᶜᵖ who needs help]] away]] b. [ᵀᴾ John won't [ᵛᵖ [ᵛᵖ turn a friend tᵢ away] [ᶜᵖ who needs help]ᵢ ]] c. [[ᵛᵖ [ᵛᵖ turn a friend away] [ᶜᵖ who needs help]] ⱼ [ᵀᴾ John won't tⱼ]] From the brief observation, it can be proposed that an extraposed CP is adjoined to the first phrasal constituent containing the NP out of which it is extraposed. | ➜ NP를 수식하는 절 ➜ subject/object로 기능하는 NP에서 관계대명사절이 빠져나와 문장 맨 끝으로 보내질 수 있는데, 이를 extraposition이라고 함. ➜(1) 주어NP에서 빠져나온 CP (2) 목적어 NP에서 빠져나온 CP. ➜(3) extrapose된 문장에 VP preposing적용된 문장. ➜ extraposed CP가 VP에 adjoin 되어서 더 큰 VP constituent를 형성하게 되고, 그것이 통째로 preposing될 수 있다는 것. ➜NP에서 빠져나온 CP가 아무 phrase에나 adjoin되는 게 아니고, 자신이 빠져나온 NP를 포함하고 있는 first phrasal constituent에 adjoin됨. |
<B> ( i ) Few people who knew himᵢ would work with Johnᵢ. ( ii ) Few people would work with Johnᵢ who knew himᵢ. (iii) Work with Johnᵢ who knew himᵢ few people would. |
- Based on the proposal in <A>, first identify in <B> what syntactic category the extraposed CP in (ii), derived from (i), is adjoined to. Second, state whether the preposing in (iii), derived from (ii), is grammatical or not, and then explain why.
( i ) [ᴺᴾ Few people [ᶜᵖ who knew himᵢ ]] would work with Johnᵢ. CP extraposed ⬇ (ii) [ᵀᴾ[ᵀᴾ[ᴺᴾ Few people▲] would work with Johnᵢ [ᶜᵖ who knew himᵢ.] work with Johnᵢ [ᶜᵖ who knew himᵢ.] 통째로 이동할 수 있을까? ⬇ (iii) Work with Johnᵢ [ᶜᵖ who knew himᵢ ] [ᴺᴾ few people▲] would. | ➜ ▲: CP 가 있던 곳. ➜ NP를 포함하는 first phrasal constituent인 TP에 adjoin되어 더 큰 TP를 형성. ➜ NP를 dominate하는 first phrasal constituent 는 TP. TP에 adjoin하여 더 큰 TP 형성. ➜ 통째로 이동가능한 건 성분(constituent)일 때만 가능. 하지만 work with John 과 who knew him으로는 하나의 성분을 이룰 수 없다. |
① first identify in <B> what syntactic category the extraposed CP in (ii), derived from (i), is adjoined to. ➜ extraposed CP in (ii) is adjoined to TP. ② Second, state whether the preposing in (iii), derived from (ii), is grammatical or not, ➜ preposing in (iii) in ungrammatical. ③ and then explain why. ➜ because 'work with John who knew him' do not form a phrasal constituent. ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― [답안 ver.1] First, in (ii), the extraposed CP 'who knew him' is adjoined to TP. Second, (iii) is ungrammatical. Since only phrasal constituents can move, the preposed element 'work with John who knew him', which is not a phrasal constituent, is not moveable. [답안 ver.2] First, the extraposed CP in (ii)is adjoined to TP. Second, the preposing in (iii) is ungrammatical. In (ii), 'work with John' is a VP constituent and the extraposed CP 'who knew him' from the Subject position is adjoined to TP; in (iii) the preposed phrase 'work with John who knew him' is not a (single) constituent. Therefore, preposing the whole phrase in (iii) results in ungrammaticality. |
- XP가 다른 XP를 만나서 adjoined 되면 새로운 higher XP를 형성하면서 adjoined 되나봐.
#B1 - Grammar - adjectives
The vast majority of adjectives in English can appear in both attributive and predicative positions. attributive adjectives modify the head noun in an NP and occur before that head noun (e.g., That elephant has a really big trunk). In contrast, predicative adjectives appear after a verb, not in an NP, and function as a predicate(e.g., That elephant's trunk is really big). However, a number of adjectives function only as attributive. Listed below are four types of attributive-only adjectives. (1) Adjectives of Degree - describe the degree of the property expressed by the head noun, e.g., a complete ballplayer. (2) Quantifying Adjectives - indicate the amount, quantity, or frequency of the head noun e.g., an occasional cloud (3) Adjectives of Time and Location -place a head noun within a particular time frame or location e.g., a previous version (4) Associative Adjectives -do not express literal properties of a head noun but instead describe it in terms of some entity that is associated with it. e.g., a nuclear physicist | ➜ absolute / complete / total / sheer ➜ only / entire / occasional / usual ➜ future / old / former / left / northeastern ➜ mathematical / gothic / public / moral |
- Based on the description in <A>, identify TWO attributive-only adjectives in <B>. Then, state what type of adjectives each belongs to.
In <B>, 'absolute' and 'urban' are attributive-only adjectives. 'Absolute' belongs to (1) Adjectives of Degree, wheras 'urban' belongs to (4) Associative Adjectives.
+ 알면 좋은 내용 (Positions of Adjectives)
1. Predicative position : occurs after a verb
📍 e.g. The employee they chose was very young.
His speech was very interesting.
2. Attributive-only adjectieves
(1) Adjectives of Degree
(2) Quantifying Adjectives
(3) Adjectives of Time and Location
(4) Associative Adjectives
(5) certain compounds - big-name / best-selling등
3. predicative-only adjectives
- Adjective with the prefix a- (asleep, awake)
- Adjectives taking infinitive or prepositional phrase complements (devoid ~ of sth, liable for~)
- Adjectives describing medidcal conditions or health (faint, ill)
#B2 - Phonetics + Phonology - dark ɫ
AEP p. 72-73
이건 그래서 답안이 어떻게 되는거지..
The alveolar lateral approximant /l/ presents appreciable differences among different varieties. Ini British English, we find the clear 'l,' which is articulated with the tongue tip in contact with the alveolar ridge, in words such as like, law, leaf, light, etc. On the other hand, /l/ is realized as the velarized dark 'l,' which has a quality similar to /u/ with raising of the back of the tongue toward the velum, in words such as fall, file, belt, milk, etc. In Welsh English, /l/ is always pronounced as the clear 'l.' In some varieties of American English (AE), however, the clear 'l' may hardly be found; most commonly, the realization differ in terms of shades of the dark 'l.' Thus, a dark 'l' is found in words given in (1a), a more velarized darker 'l' variety in words in (1b), and the darkest 'l' in words in (1c). (1) Realizations of /l/ in some AE varieties a. dark 'l' lip, left, lash, leaf b. darker 'l' loose, low, lawn, lock c. darkest 'l' full, bolt, help, hill In African American Vernacular English(AAVE), /l/ may vocalize to [ʊ] as in (2a) and may be deleted as in (2b). (2) Realizations of /l/ in AAVE a. vocalization of /l/ bell [bɛl] or [bɛʊ] milk [mɪlk] or [mɪʊk] football [fʊtbɔl] or [fʊtbɔʊ] children [tʃɪldɹən] or [tʃɪʊdɹən] b. deletion of /l/ help [hɛlp] or [hɛp] elm [ɛlm] or [ɛm] wolf [wʊlf] or [wʊf] twelve [twɛlv] or [twɛv] | ➜dark 'l' 의 발음 정도에 따라 달라짐. ![]() ➜(a) ɪ ɛ æ i : front vowels ➜(b) u o ɔ ɑ : back vowels ➜ vocalize: 모음화 ➜(2a) : ɛ_ ɪ_ ɔ_ ➜ l 앞에 오는 모음 먼저 살펴봤지만, 공통점이 없음. (2b) : ɛ_p, ɛ_m, ʊ_f, ɛ_v ➜ 앞에 오는 모음 먼저 살펴봤지만, 공통점 없음. l 뒤에 오는 모음 보니까 /p, m, f, v/는 labials라는 공통점 발견! |
- Based on the data given in (1a) - (1b), state the environments for dark 'l' and darker 'l', respectively, in some AE varieties. Then, based on thte data given in (2a)-(2b), state the environments for the vocalization of /l/ and the deletion of /l/, respectively, in AAVE.
① state the environments for dark 'l' and darker 'l', respectively, in some AE varieties.
➜ in some AE varieties, /l/ is realized as dark 'l' when /l/ is immediately followed by front vowels, and relized as darker 'l' when it is immediately followed by back vowels.
② state the environments for the vocalization of /l/ and the deletion of /l/, respectively, in AAVE.
➜In AAVE, /l/ may be deleted when it is followed by labials and may be vocalized eslewhere??.
① state the environments for dark 'l' and darker 'l', respectively, in some AE varieties.
➜ First, dark 'l' is realized when /l/ is follwed by front vowels, while darker 'l' occurs when /l/ is followed by back vowels.
②state the environments for the vocalization of /l/ and the deletion of /l/, respectively, in AAVE.
➜ Second, /l/ is vocalized when it follows a vowel(it is the postvocalic/coda position), and deleted when followed by labial consonants.
➜ Second, the alveolar lateral becomes a high back lax vowel immediately after a vowel and it is deleted before a labial consonant.??
First, a dark 'l' appears before front vowels and a more velarized darker 'l' appears before back vowels.
Second, the alveolar lateral becomes a high back lax vowel immediately after a vowel and it is deleted before a labial consonant.
#B6 - Syntax - Raising & Control
Despite their similarity on the surface, sentences in (1) are of different types, as suggested in their paraphrasing in (2). Sentences like (1a) are called 'Control' construction; the ones like (1b) 'Raising/ECM' construction. Unlike the latter, an empty pronominal NP PRO is postulated in control constructions. (1) a. John persuaded Sue to obey her parents. b. John believed Sue to be obedient to her parents. (2) a. John persuaded Sue that she should obey her parents. b. John believed that Sue was obedient to her parents. In fact, there are two kinds of PRO. One is called 'arbitrary PRO,' whose meaning is basically "someone" as shown in (3a). Arbitrary PRO i s like a referring expression or a pronoun in that it can get its meaning from outside the sentence. The other is 'non-arbitrary PRO,' which can be further distinguished into two varieties: 'obligatory control' and 'optional control.' The optional control is exemplified in (3b). PRO here can either refer back to John or it can have an arbitrary PRO reading. The obligatory control is exemplified in (3c) and (3d) : PRO in (3c) obligatorily refers back to the main clause Subject, hence called 'subject control,' while PRO in (3d) obligatorily refers back to the main clause Object, hence called 'object control.' (3) a. [PROᵃʳᵇ to go to college] is not essential for succeess in life. b. Johnᵢ knows that it is essential [PROᵢ/ⱼ to be well-behaved]. c. Johnᵢ tried [PROᵢ/*ⱼ to behave]. d. John persuaded Sueᵢ [PROᵢ to obey her parents]. | ➜PRO └ Arbitrary └ Non-arbitrary └ Optional └ Obligatory └ Subject control └ Object control ➜ a. arbitrary PRO b. non-arbitrary - optional control c. non-arbitrary - obligatory - subject control d. non-arbitrary - obligatory - object control |
<B> (i) a. [PRO to improve himself], John should consider therapy. b. John is easy [PRO to talk to]. (ii) a. John motivated Sue to study harder. b. John reported Sue to be obnoxious. c. John threatened Sueᵢ to leave herᵢ. |
- Based on the description in <A>, first, identify whether PRO in (ia) and (ib) is arbitrary or non-arbitrary, and for non-arbitrary PRO, whether it is obligatory control or optional control. Second, in (ii), identify control constructions only, and then state whether they are subject control or object control.
답안 ver.1
First, PRO in (ia) is non-arbitrary and it is obligatory control. PRO (ib) is arbitrary. Second, in (ii), control constructions are sentence (a) and sentence (c). (iia) is object control and (iic) is subject control.
답안 ver.2
First, PRO in (ia) is non-arbitrary and obligatory control, while PRO in (ib) is arbitrary. Second, (iia) and (iic) are control constrctions. (iia) is object control, whereas (iic) is subject control.
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