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2016 중등 임용 영어 기출분석 - 영어학

by '김맹고' 2023. 3. 1.
하잉. 지난 주 금요일에 풀고, 채점까지 했던 2016 기출문제 분석하려고 꾸역꾸역 어김없이 찾아왔다.
지금 개강을 앞두고 중요한 건 '언제 이걸 다 하지?' 엄습하는 불안감에 흔들리지 않고 아무 생각을 하지 않는 것이다. 하루에 주어진 일과를 묵묵하게 습관처럼 수행해나가는 것. '그냥 하는 거지 뭐.' 마인드로 일관하는 것이다.
고로 오늘도 스멀스멀 기어오르는 불안감을 suppress한 채 키보드를 뚱땅뚱땅 두들겨본다!


#A5 - phonology - place of articulation 

  • Read the pasage and fill iin the blank with a distincitve feature. 

       In the syllalble structure of English words, dependencies between peaks and codas provide evidence for the existence of rhyme as a constituent of syllable. For example, we can see the relationship between /aʊ/ peak and its coda as follows: 

  • (1)                        (2)
    town [taʊn]           *[taʊm]/*[taʊŋ]
    house [haʊs]        *[haʊf]  
    rouse [raʊz]          *[raʊv]/*[raʊg
    sprout [spraʊt]      *[spraʊp]/*[spraʊk]    
    loud [laʊd]            *[laʊb]/*[laʊg]
    mouth [maʊθ]       *[maʊf]   
    couch [kaʊʧ]         *[kaʊg
The examples in (1) shows that theh coda following /aʊ/ has to be _________, while those in (2) show that it cannot be [labial] or [dorsal] to form a rhyme.

 peak = nucleus

(1) /n, s, z, t, d/ - alveolar (place)
                   /θ/ - interdental (fricative) - place
                  /ʧ/ - paltoalveolar (affricate) - place
/m, ŋ/ - bilabial / velar
/f/ - labiodental
/v, g/ - labiodental / velar
/p, k/ - bilabial, velar
/b, g/ - bilabial, velar

➜ coda는 [labial] 과 [dorsal] 이 아닌 ___ 여야 한다.

/n, s, z, t, d, θ, ʧ/ 포괄 distictive feature [-labiabl] [-dorsal]인 distinctive feature.
어떤 차트를 봐야하냐.

➜[labial]: bilabials, labiodentals
   [dorsal]: velars, glottals

➜[labial]과 [dorsal] 을 제외한 place features들

+ The coda of /aʊ/ has to be alveolar or interdental; /aʊ/ cannot be followed by labial or velar consonants. 
+ 더 알아보기

📌 Major Phonetic Classes

1. Noncontinuatns and Continuents - STOPS, AFFRICATES / ALL OTHER CONSONANTS, VOWELS.
2. Obstruents and Sonorants           - STOPS, FRIC,AFFRICATES / VOWELS, NASALS, LIQUIDS, GLIDES
3. Consonantal Sounds                   - GLIDES ARE EXCLUDED.
↳Labials : [w]
↳ coronals : labials, velars 뺀 나머지(dorsal) 
↳ anteriors : consonants articulated in the front of the mouth ; they comprise the labial consonants, dental consonants and alveolar consonants.
↳ sibilants

4. Syllabic Sounds - VOWELS, LIQUIDS, NASALS, *glides are never syllabic!
  • #approximants : 레알우주.../r, l, w, j/
  • glide와 liquid로 나뉘는 approximants.


#A6 - Syllables and Suprasegmentals - stress/intonation

       English suffixes can be grouped into three different types when they are added to a root: stress-bearing, stress-shifting, and stress-neutral. Stress-bearing suffixes attract the primary stress to themselves as in (1a). Stress-shifting suffixes move the stress to some other syllalbles as in (1b). Stress-neutral suffixes do not make any difference to the stress of the root as in (1c). Meanwhile, the suffix -y is classified into two classes. Noun-forming suffix -y in (2) belongs to __①___ suffixes, while adjective-forming suffix -y in (2) belongs to ___②___ suffixes.  

  • (1)
    a. engine-engineer, attest-attestation, statue-statuesque
    b. public-publicity, commerce-commercial, library-librarian
    c. clever-cleverness, consult-consultant, parent-parenthood

    summer-summery, telephone-telephony,
    synonym-synonymy, frump-frumpy, advisor-advisory,
    photograph-photography, velvet-velvety
➜(1) noun-forming suffix

➜(2) adjective-forming suffix

➜ Noun-forming suffix

➜ -y 붙고 stress 오는 음절 변함. 하지만 suffix -y에 stress 오는 건 아님 : ① stress-shifting.

➜ adjective-forming suffix
: -y 붙고 stress 오는 음절 변화 없음. : ②stress-neutral.



🌟🌟🌟🌟 #A10 - Grammar - Tesnse and Aspect

이거 모르겠음. 해설강의듣고싶어!

       There are two kinds of events or situations that predicates describe in sentences: One is telic and the other atelic. A telic event is the kind of event that has a natural finishing point and once it is completed, it cannot go on any further as shown in (1). In contrast, an atelic event does not have a natural finishing point and it can go on and on as shown in (2). 

  • (1) 
    a. They built the barn. 
    b. They reached the summit

    a. The room was sunny.
    b. The choir sang.

       One of the tests for telicity is modification of the event duration by an adverbial led by in or for. Telic predicates take in adverbials; atelic predicates take for adverbials, as showin in (3-5) below. In the sentences describing a telic event in (3-4), in adverbials have either the event duration interpretation as in (3a) or the event delay interpretation as in (4a). In the latter interpretation, the time which elapses prior to the event is specified by in adverbials,and the event occurs at the end of the stated interval.

Meanwhile, in the sentences describing an atelic event as in (5),  for adverbials have the event duration interpretation only. 
  • (3) a. They built the barn in two days.
         b.#They built the barn for two days.
    (4) a. They reached the summit in half an hour.
         b.#They reacehd the summit for half an hour.
    (5) a.#The room was sunny in an hour.
          b. The room was sunny for an hour.
       It is essential to use simple past tense sentences when we do the above adverbial test; if in adverbials occur in future tense sentences, they can modify any type of predicate, including atelic predicates, and produce the event delay interpretation, as shown in (6a). This in turn leads to the following; certain unambiguous sentences with in adverbials may become ambiguous in the future tesne as in (6b). 

  • (6) a. The room will be sunny in an hour.
         b. They will build the barn in two days.

➜atelic(finishing point X)
합창단의 노래는 확실한 finishing point 無.

➜telic(종료 시점이 있는)
~ in : event duration (~동안)
~ in: event delay (~후에, 뒤에)

➜in 으로 시작하면 - telic
   for 로 시작하면 - atelic

➜delay는 어떤 event가 일어나기 전에 시간이 경과하고, 그 시간의 마지막에 event가 발생한다. 

➜ simple past 문장에서만 사용가능.
➜ future tense에서는 -in adverbial이 telic과 atelic 도 수식해버리기 때문.

➜ a. 한 시간 후에 해가 들 것이다.(delay)
➜ b. 이틀 후에 헛간을 짓기 시작할 것이다. (delay)
        이틀 동안 헛간을 지을 것이다.(duration)
* within으로 생각해도 되나?
  • (i)  a. John walked to the park. 
         b. John walked in the park. 
    (ii) a. John will arrive at the station in five minutes.
         b. John will eat the pizza in five minutes. 
         c. John will play football in five minutes.
(ia) telic
(ib) atelic

-arrive 행동 자체가 5분 동안 지속되는 해석(duration) 은 될 수 없음.
-arrive는 도착 전/후로 나뉠 뿐(change of state) 도착 동작 자체가 시간이 쭉- 걸리는 의미는 아님. 

(iib)- 5분이 경과된 후에 그 시간의 끝(5분 뒤)에 'eat' 하는 event가 시작된다는 해석(delay)
eat하는 행동이 지금부터 5분동안 계속 된다는 해석(duration)도 가능.

(iic) play는 atelic이라 과거시제에서는 for 과 같이 쓰며 duration의미만 쓰이지만, 미래시제에서는 duration의미는 없어지는 대신, 5분 뒤에 play를 시작한다는 delay 해석이 가능하다. 
  • Based on the description in <A>, identify the type of event, telic or atelic, that each sentence of (i) in <B> describes. Then choose ONE ambiguous sentence in (ii) in <B> and explain why it isi ambiguous.
[답안 ver.1]

First, (ia) describes a telic event, while (ib) describes an atelic event. 
Second, (iib) is ambiguous beause it has both of the 'event duration' and 'event delay' readings.
In the first reading, (iib) means John will finish eating the pizza within five minutes. (duration)
In the second reading, (iib) means John will start eating pizza after five minutes from now. (delay)



#B2 - Phonology - Flapping

      In American English, alveolar stops can be pronounced as a flap, which is caused by a single contraction of the muscles so that one articulator is thrown against another. It is often just a very rapid stop gesture. This sound can be written with the symbol [ɾ] so that fatty  can be transcribed as [fǽɾi]. Alveolar stops become a flap when they are located between a stressed vowel and an unstressed vowel as in water and header. In addition to this rule, there are two other rules that account for the contexts where flapping occurs.  ➜V! [ɾ] V
  • <B>
    autumn, riddle, monitor, saddle, humanity, daddy, battle,
    comedy, competing
ɔtəm/ /ˈdædi/ /kəmˈpitɪŋ/

/ˈrɪdl/ /ˈsædl/ /ˈbætl/  - stressed__syllabic l 

/ˈmɒnɪtər/   /hjuˈmænəti/  /ˈkɒmədi/ - between unstressed vowles
  • Identify ALL the words from <B> that cannot be accouted for by the underlined rule in <A>. Then categorize them into TWO groups according to their occurrence contexts and state ONE rule ofr EACH group which accouuts for each data set. 
 [답안 ver.1]

First, 'riddle, saddle, battle, monitor, humanity, comedy' cannot be accounted for by the underlined rule in <A>.
Second, The rule for the firs tthree words are as follows: Alveolar stops become a flap when preceded by a stressed vowel and followed by a syllabic 'l'.
The rule for the last three words are as follows: Alveolr stops become a flap between two unstressed vowels.

[답안 ver.2]
The rule in <A> cannot account for the words 'riddle, saddle, battle, monitor, humanity, comedy' (, , and 안씀!).
In the words 'riddle, saddle, battle', alveolar stops /t,d/ flap when they are between a stressed vowel and a syllabic /l/. In the words 'monitor, humanity, comedy', flapping of /t,d/ occurs between two uunstressed vowels. 
+ Flapping(=tapping) : AEP p. 60

Flapping converts an alveolar stop to a  voiced flap. The most conducive environment for this process is intervocalic, when the second syllable is not stressed. Thus, while 'attic' has a flap, 'attack' does not because, in the latter, the alveolar stop /t/ is the onset of a stressed syllable. 
The principle is also valid across word boundaries, because we get 'at all' (flapped because /t/ is the coda of the unstressed syllable), but 'a tall' (not flapped because /t/ is the onset of the stressed syllable.) Although in a great majority of cases of flapping the first vowel is stressed, this is not a necessary condition. For example, in words such as 'nationality, sorority, calamity', flapping occurs between two unstressed vowels. Thus, the only condition related to stress is that the target alveolar stop cannot be in a stressed syllable. 


#B6 - Syntax - X-bar theory.


       A PP modifier has distinct grammaticlal functions; it can be either a Complement exemplified by the underlined PP in (1a) or an Adjunct as in (1b).

  • (1) a. the specialist in phonology.
         b. the specialist at the stage.
       Two types of syntactic arguments can be presented for the structural distinction between PP Complements and PP Adjuncts. First, they are strictly ordered when they boyh occur as postnominal modifiers, as the contrast in (2) shows.
  • (2) a. The specialist in phonology at the stage.
         b. *The specialist at the stage in phonlogy.
       Another syntactic argument can be formulated in relation to Wh-movement, as shown in (3): NPs within PP Complements can be preposed, while NPs within PP Adjuncts cannot.

  • (3) a. What area of linguistics is he a specialist in?
         b. *Which place is he a speciliast at? 
➜ CPTs must be closer to Heads.

➜ the speciliast in phonology.
NPs within PP CPT - (in) phonology
can be preposed in Wh-movement

what area of linguistics(phonology) is he a specialist in?


  • a. He is a contender with a knee injury.
  • b. He is a contender for the PGA title
➜Head noun을 동사로 바꾸고 뒤 pp내용을 동사의 목적어처럼 쓰여도 자연스러운 거 찾기.

➜ (2)처럼 CPT PP가 먼저 오게 해서
"a contender for the PGA title with a knee injury"
를 정문으로, 
Adjunct PP 가 먼저 오게 해서
" *a contender with a knee injury for the PGA title"를 비문으로 하면 됨.

➜(3)처럼 PP의 noun을 fronting 해서 wh-question을 만들면 됨.
"What title is he a contender for?"
"*Which injury is he a contender with?"
  • Based on the description in <A>, identify the grammatical function of the underlined PPs in <B>. Then provide two pairs of evidence for your identifiation, using BOTH sentences in <B>: a pair of NPs and a pair of wh-questions, with ungrammaticality marked with an asterisk(*) at the beginnin of the evidence.

답을 뭐, 어떻게  쓰라는거야? wh-phrase만드는 부분이 헷갈려.


First, the underlined PPs in 'a' and 'b' are a complement and an adjunct, respectively.
The evidence for this are as follows:
He is a contender for the PGA title with a knee injury. 
*He is a contender with a knee injury for the PGA title. 
What kind of injury is he a contender for?
*Which injury is he a contender with? 
메가쌤 답안 참고했는데 이거 뿐만아니라 이곳저곳에 오탈자 진심 너무 많다. 틀린 부분 지금까지 해서 여섯군데 넘게 나온 듯. 검수좀 꼼꼼히 해줬으면.

identify the grammatical function of the underlined PPs in <B>.
First, PP 'with a knee injury' is an adjunct and PP 'for the PGA title' is a complement.

Then provide two pairs of evidence for your identifiation, using BOTH sentences in <B>: a pair of NPs and a pair of 
wh-questions, with ungrammaticality marked with an asterisk(*) at the beginnin of the evidence.
➜ As for a pair of NPs, "a contender for the PGA title with a knee injury" is grammatical while " *a contender with a knee injury for the PGA title" is ungrammatical.
➜ In relation ro Wh-movement, "What title is he a contender for?"  is grammatical while " *Which injury is he contender with?"  is ungrammatical. 


In B, the pp in (a) is an Adjunct, while the PP in (b) is a Complement. As for a pair of NPs, the NP with a Complement + an Adjunct in (ia) is grammatical but the NP with an Adjunct + a Complment in (ib) is ungrammatical.

(i) a. a contender for the PGA title with a knee injury
    b.*a contender with a kneww injury for the PGA title.

As for a pair of wh-questions, the wh-phrase ewithin the PP Adjunct in (iia) cannot be pereposed; in contrast, the wh-phrase within the PP Complement in (iib) can.
(ii)a.*What kind/part of injury is he a contender with?
    b. What title is he a contender for?
