2015문제도 요즘 구성과는 사뭇 다른 시험문제 양식을 보여주고 있다.
그리고 문학 난이도는 극악.... 도저히 손을 댈 수 없을 정도.
뭐 어떻게 풀라는거야? 아무튼, 난 시대를 잘 탄 것 같다. 요즘 임용영어 스타일이 내게 더 적합하게 느껴진다!
A glottal stop is the sound that occurs when the vocal cords are held tightly together. In many accents of English, a glottal stop is often realized as a(n) ____①___ of /t/ in the words given in (1). (1) Batman catnap butler atlas While the /t/ in the words in (1) can be produced as a glottal stop, the /t/ in the words in (2) cannot be realized as a glottal stop. (2) atrocious attraction atrophic patrol The data given in (1) and (2) show that, unlike the /t/ in the words in (1), the /t/ in the words in (2) is in a(n) ___②___ position of a syllalbe, and thus it cannot be produced as a glottal stop. |
①allophone ②coda |
The sentences in (1) shows three types of NPs: the reflexive pronoun, the ordinary pronoun, and the proper noun. (1) a. John likes himself b. Mary met him. c. John came. The reflexive pronoun should have the antecedent in the sentence from which it picks up its reference as shown in (2), with the coindexed NPs indidcating the same referent. This sharply contrasts with the ordinary pronoun and the proper noun in (3). (2) a. Johnᵢ introduced himselfᵢ to Mary. b.*Himselsf came. (3) a. Johnᵢ introduced himⱼ to Mary. b. John introduced Bill to Mary. The existence of the antecedent in the sentence, however, is not a sufficient condition to license the reflexive pronoun, as shown in (4). (4) a.*Johnᵢ thinks that himselfᵢ is intelligent. b. John told Maryᵢ about herselfᵢ. The examples in (2) and (4) show that the reflexive pronoun finds its antecedent in the smallest _______ that contains it. The sentences in (2b) and (4a) are thus ungrammatical in contrast to those in (2a) and (4b). |
(2b) - antecedent도 없고, coindexed NP도 없음. 그래서 비문. (3a) - ordinary pronoun him. antecedent 없어도 됨. (3b) - proper noun 도 마찬가지. BUT antecedent 유무만 가지고 reflexive pronoun 사용을 정당화할 수 없음. (4b) 뭔 말인지 모르겠지만 비문 아니니까 일단 데이터만 뽑아내고 신경쓰지 마. 선행사와 reflexive pronoun은 최소의 같은 절 안에 있어야 함! |
Linguistic expressions are often ambiguous, and homonymy is one source of ambiguity. Homonyms are words that have different meanings but are pronounced the same, and may or may not be spelled the same. Another source of ambiguity is structure. Sometimes, homonymy creates even more ambiguity in combination with different structures. (1) John admires intelligent professors and students. (2) They are pitchers from America. (3) Mary observed the man at the bank. The ambiguity in (1) is created by different structures. The source of the ambiguity in (2) is homonymy, wheras (3) is ambiguous due to different structures and homonymy. |
*Homonym = Homophones - 동음이의어 (1) [intelligent professors] and [intelligent students]. [intelligent professors] and students (2) pitchers(container for liquid) pitchers(baseball player) (3) homonyms : bank ① money ② river structure: ① Mary observed [the man at the bank]. ② Mary observed [the man] at the bank. |
<B> Mary saw John's nose ring. |
- Identify the sources of the ambiguity of the sentence in <B>. Then explain why the sentence is ambiguous and write the two readings of the sentence.
(1) The sources of ambiguity in <B> are differing structures and homonymy.
(2-1) In the structure ambiguity, "John's nose ring" can be a noun object of the main verb "saw",
(2-1-1) and the reading becomes 'Mary saw the nose ring which John wore'.
(2-1-2) The other reading is 'Mary saw John, and John's nose was ringing',
(2-1) becasue 'John's nose' and 'ring' can be divided into a noun and a verb.
(2-2) In terms of homonymy,
(2-2-1) 'ring' as a noun can be interpreted as a piece of jewelry
(2-2-2) and as a verb, 'to ring'.
#B3 - syllabification of glides
야, 이거 겁나 어렵다. 아니, 공통점 찾기가 아예 불가능했어. 역시 나는 아마추어인가.
Words such as music [mjuzɪk] and cube [kjub] are pronounced in the same way in both American English and British English. However, words such as tuition, endure, and annuity vary, as shown in (1a) and (1b). (1a) British English tuition [tjuɪʃən] duration [djʊreɪʃən] endure [ɪndjʊə] annuity [ənjuəti] perpetuity [pɜ:pətjuəti] voluminous [vəljumənəs] (1b) American English tuition [tuɪʃən] duration [dʊreɪʃən] endure [ɪndʊr] annuity [ənuəti] perpetuity [pɝpətuəti] voluminous [vəlumənəs] While in British English we see a /j/ after the underlined consonants /t, d, n, l/ in the words given in (1a), the expected American English pronunciations are without a /j/ after the same underlined consonatns ,as shown in (1b). The same difference is observed after the underlined consonants /s/ and /z/ for the words in (2a) and (2b). (2a) British English assume [əsjum] superb [sjupɜ:b] exude [ɪgzjud] résumé [rɛzjʊmeɪ] (2b) American English assume [əsum] superb [supɝb] exude [ɪgzud] résumé [rɛzʊmeɪ] However, the words given in (3) show that the underlined alveolars /n/ and /l/ are followed by a /j/ in American English as well as in British English. (3) British English and American English continue [kəntɪnju] biannual [baɪænjuəl] voluble [vɑljʊbəl] valuation [væljueɪʃən] |
glides → because they glide into the syllable nucleus. → They cannot form the nucleus of a syllable, → and occur only in prevocalic position. 아~ 결국 Brit Eng이 아니라 AME 물어보는거니까 BE는 상대적으로 덜 중요해! (1b) *Glide J의 Syllable로서의 역할 공부 다시하기. |
- Based on the data given in (1b), (2b) and (3), state the conditions where /j/ cannot follow alveolar consonants and the conditions when /j/ can in American English.
[답안] *근데, 이렇게 나눠서 답 써도 되는거였어? 최근에는 (1b), (2b), (3)을 모두 아우를 수 있는 phonetic generalization찾으라고 출제되지 않나??
In American English of (1b) and (2b), /j/ cannot follow alveolar consonatns when they are obstruent souds /t,d,s,z/, regardless of stress placement. (왜 /n, l/ 은 뺀 걸까? - 아! 얘네는 stress에 따라 /j/가 올 수 있구나!)
In (1b) and (3), when alveolar consonants are sonorant sounds /n, l/, /j/ also cannot follow them if it is in stressed syllalbe but /j/ can follow them if it is in unstressed syllable.
AEP 내용
Allophonic Rules : Segment Deletion - /j/ - Deletion
Words such as music [mjuzɪk] and cube [kjub] are pronounced in the same way in both American English and
British English. However, words such as tuition, endure, and annuity vary, as shown in...
While in BE, we see a /j/ after the first consonant in these words(tjun, nud, dun, njuz, ljut), the expected AE pronunciations are without a /j/ (tun, nud). The same difference is observed in words such as assume, resume in BE, and esum, rezum in AE.
These examples may suggest that /j/ may not follow an alveolar in the same morpheme in AE. This generalization, however, has to be amended, because words such as onion, annual, value have alveolars /n/ or /l/ followed by a /j/ in AE as well as in BE. Thus, correct characterization of the AE restriction on alveolars should read as '/j/ cannot follow an alveolar obstruent; it can follow an alveolar 'sonorant' when in an 'unstressed' syllable.'
#B4 - Grammar
Preverbal adverbs sometimes behave differently in terms of scope. The sentence in (1a) with the adverb usually can be paraphrased into (1b) and (1c). One can represent the two paraphrases using the schemata in (2a) and (2b), respectively. (1) a. John usually comes late for class. b. It is usual that John comes late for class. c. It is usually the case that John comes late for class. (2) a. It be X that Y b. It be X the case that Y In (2a), X stands for the adjective form of the adverb, and Y for the rest of the original sentence. In (2b), X stands for the adverb, and Y for the rest of the original sentence. In the meantime, sentences with a preverbal adverb such as carefully cannot be so paraphrased as illustrated in (3). (3) a. John carefully drives his car in winter. b. *It is careful that John drives his car in winter. c. *It is carefully the case that John drives his car in winter. |
➜ 빈도를 나타내는 부사(adverbs of frequency)는 대부분 문장 중간, preverbal(동사 앞) 위치하는 게 비문. ➜그러나, sentence-initially(문장 가장 앞)에 위치해서 문장 전체를 수식하기도 함. ➜ usually, rarely도 보통 동사 앞에(preverbal) 위치하지만, 문장 앞에서 문장 전체 수식도 가능. ➜ (1b) = (2a), (1c) = (2b) it is usually / rarely / that ~ 같이 쓰이면서 뒤따라오는 that 절 전체 수식하기도 함. ➜ manner adverb 는 문장 뒤쪽에 위치.(sentence final position), carefully 처럼 문장 중간에 위치하기도 함. ➜ (3a) carefully는 preverbal 위치에 있지만, "John drives his car carefully in the winter." ➜ 문장의 문맥에서는 동사 동작에 한정되어서 수식. ➜ VP 의 완전 밖으로 나가 문장 전체를 수식하는 건 비문. |
<B> (i) John rarely talks with philosophers. (ii) The fish slowly swims. |
➜ rarely : usually (frequency adverb) slowly : carefully (manner adverb) |
- Based on the discussion of the two types of adverbs in <A>, a usually type and a carefully type, identify the type of the underlined adverbs in <B>. Then verify their type by writing the paraphrases of (i) and (ii), using the schemata in (2).
identify the type of the underlined adverbs in <B>.
➜ In <B>, rarely is a usually type and slowly is a carefully type.
Then verify their type by writing the paraphrases of (i) and (ii), using the schemata in (2).
➜ In case of rarely, the following paraphrases are grammatical: "It is rare that John talks with philosophers." and "It is rarely the case that John talks with philosophers."
➜ However, these structures cannot be used with slowly as follows: "*It is slow that the fish swims." and "It is slowly the case that the fish swims."
+ 여기서부터는 추가내용!
<Form of Preverbal Adverbs of Frequency> preverbal adverbs of frequency tend to occur most naturally in the middle of a sentence. All PAFs are generated medially between the subject and the predicate. Many of them can occur sentence-initially (function as sentence modifier), and a few of them can occur sentence-finally as verb phrase modifiers.
<The Scope of Preverbal Adverbs> In any given sentence, preverbal adverbs modify the entire sentence in which they occur. The following paraphrasees make this clear:
- Barry frequently drives faster than the speed limit.
(=It is frequently the case that Barry drives faster than the speed limit.)
- Cynthia never smiles at strangers.
(It is never the case that Cynthia smiles at strangers.)
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